Lost productivity and increased insurance premiums through injury and illness are a global problem for employers. Smaller employers cannot afford onsite medical facilities. By understanding the working needs of the smaller employer and getting to know staff, I am able to provide an efficient health and injury management service that reduces administration and absenteeism.
Staff are prioritised for care as follows
- Dr. Bekker can be contacted by the employer at the time of injury or illness to confirm the need for a medical assessment or for direct hospital assessment. Clinical advice is provided for interim care.
- Injured or ill staff are accommodated on a “walk-in” basis meaning staff will be fitted in between patients to minimise lost time to the company.
- After-hours will be managed through the emergency line, to determine whether a staff member should be seem immediately, during office hours or be transferred to a hospital.
Consultations include diagnosis, treatment and return to work planning with a designated employer representative.
Where necessary, referrals will be made, in consultation with the employer for Pathology Radiology, Medicine, or Hospital
Onsite visits are made by arrangement for medical assessments or flu vaccinations.