Medical & Dental @ 111

Family Practitioners play a pivotal role in coordinating care for a growing number of patients living with chronic conditions that enables the best quality care and outcomes. Adult members registered on the Chronic Illness Benefit for Diabetes, HIVCare for HIV and/or cardiovascular conditions (Hypertension, Hyperlipidaemia, Ischaemic Heart Disease), are eligible to join these programmes. Using HealthID Premier Plus GP’s can easily identify, enrol and monitor patients with chronic condition.

Coordinated patient care through a Premier Plus GP

A Premier Plus GP has access to enhanced digital tools that will enable patients to actively manage their conditions. Adult members registered on the Chronic Illness Benefit for diabetes, HIV and/or cardiovascular conditions (hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, ischaemic heart disease) are eligible to join these programmes. Using HealthID, a Premier Plus can easily identify, enrol and monitor patients with these chronic conditions. Patient dashboards enable the GP to recommend the appropriate wellness intervention for patients from Vitality’s science based wellness programmes.

Patients with diabetes for example can be enrolled on the DiabetesCare programme, which provides the following additional benefits:

A personalised Diabetes Management Score, a new outcomes-based score, based on clinical guidelines, to help motivate patients to become actively involved in managing their condition

Risk cover for an additional dietitian and biokineticist consultation.

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